I have a lifetime supply of photos - lots and lots and lots. So, I've decided to sort through them and pass down what needs to be passed down and organize the rest.
Today, I briefly looked through a few of the photo albums to sort of get an idea of what needs to be done. I found a little photo book of my oldest daughter's third birthday - thirty years ago. Was it really that long ago?
I remember now that we were visiting family in the midwest. My girls and I took a much needed trip to be with family. My grandmother was still alive and she and my aunt had put together a little birthday party for my daughter.
The first picture of my daughter was one of her holding out that baton she wanted so badly. She was smiling from ear to ear. I remember ending up hating that baton because it was always in the way and it seemed like I was always putting it away. If I put it in the toybox, it stuck straight out of the top. It just didn't seem to fit anywhere.
Oh, if only that little girl and her baton were here now, even for just a moment. The children not only grow up - they go away. And although they turn into wonderful people, they are still missed. I guess that's why God gives us grandchildren.
There's another picture of her sitting in the 1950's high chair that all of my grandmother's grandchildren sat in. My daughter was proudly sitting there in front of the white frosted cake that had brightly lit candles displayed in the number three. Another proud grin on that little face. It was certainly her day.
The last picture was of her and her younger sister in the bathtub together. I think after all that cake and ice cream they probably both needed a bath. Especially the younger one who always needed bathing after eating. I like this one especially because it shows that they haven't really changed. My oldest daughter is there posing a wide smile for the camera and there is her younger sister looking at with admiration at her older sister, as she still does today.
Today my daughters are beautiful, productive women with full and happy lives. And they add to my photo collection with pictures of their children at birthdays and in bathtubs.
I have a feeling that organizing these old photos is going to take awhile because there will be many stops for times of fond memories of children who are part of my soul.
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